Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 152 - Leaving

It's official – as of early this morning I am no longer a resident of Riften.

I rose way before the sun and quietly packed my things into Pa's old knapsack.  My storage chest was almost cleaned out when Ma woke and asked me what I was doing.

"I'm heading out early," I told her, "Elgrim wants me to head up into the hills and find some special ingredient he needs for a potion."

"Stay safe, my child," Ma yawned before going on, "and try to stay out of trouble."

"I will, Ma.  Don't worry."

She turned over and went back to sleep, leaving me to toss the last few things into my bag and gather my armor.  I dressed in the shop downstairs so I wouldn't bother anyone else and left a note on the counter, thanking both Ma and my aunt for taking me in but that it was time for me to find my own future out in the world.

I know Ma is going to be very upset when she reads the note.  But as she said last night, what I do and say reflects on her and my aunt.  If I want the freedom to do as I need to do, I need to leave Riften.  I'm sorry, Ma.

So here I sit on the banks of the river in sight of the old lumber mill, pondering what to do next.  Windhelm is out - I remember how angry people were about the Imperials and the possibility of the civil war.  I have a feeling if I went up there, I won't find work.  I can't return to Solitude – the pain of seeing my old classmates and the Bards College would be too much for me and really, it was too far to go on what little money I had.

I guess my only real choice left is Whiterun.  I've heard from other travelers that there is a lot of work in that town.  Best of all, it seems that the Jarl in that town in Empire-friendly, so I won't have to worry about being discriminated against too badly.

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