Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 142 @ 6:30 AM - First Day on the Job

Ma fretted at me as I strapped on my armor, packed by bag, and wiped down my sword this morning.  She even packed me a lunch, which I carefully tucked into Pa's old backpack.

"Please be careful," she told me.

"I will, don't worry."  I didn't dare tell her that I'd battled undead and tree fairies.  What's out in these forests can't be much worst.  At least I hope not….

I feel both nervous and almost giddy as I stand here just outside the city gates writing this journal entry.  I’m not sure what is going to happen out there or how I’m going to do, but at least I'm not stuck in the clothing shop with Aunt Guanine all day, like Ma.

I asked Ma last night how she could stand working with her stern sister.  "I know she sounds and acts cold-hearted," she replied, "but your aunt loves you, me and your brother very much.  She just doesn't know how to show that."

I'm not sure what Ma was taking about.  Either way, I'm just glad I didn't have to look at that grumpy face all day.

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