Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 151 - Trouble for Everyone

It seems that people of Riften are not happy when you accuse them of sleeping with someone other than their wives.  All denied what we had to say, even though Svana told them that she saw them entering their aunt's room and which nights it happened on.  Indaryn, the man who runs the Black-Briar Meadery was the angriest of the most, screaming for the guards.  We hightailed it out of there as fast as we could and hid in the bunkhouse until things calmed down.

Idaryn, the Snitch
Of course, I forgot that news travels fast even in towns as large as Riften.  By the time I got home that night, both Ma and Aunt Guanine were sitting up waiting for me.  I tried to slip off to bed but Ma stopped me with some stern words.

"You don't need to try to hide it," she told me, "Mavin Black-Briar's assistant has already been around to talk to us.  She told us what you'd been up to this evening."

I stopped and turned to stare at them.

"Going around, accusing men, well-known men in this community, of sleeping around," added Aunt Guanine, "How absurd!"

I remained silent, not sure what to say.

"I'm sure this little scheme wasn't your idea," Ma said, "I'm assuming, considering who you were accusing of the men of sleeping with, that this was all Svana Far-Shield's idea, wasn't it?"

I nodded softly, looking at my feet in shame.

"Well, that's that then," Aunt Guanine said, standing, "You are not allowed to see that girl any longer."

I opened my mouth to protest but a sharp look from Ma stopped me.  She waited until Aunt Guanine was out of the room before she spoke, "I'm very disappointed in you tonight, Patrycia."

Those words almost broke my heart in two.  My Ma had never been disappointed in me, even after I came home from Bards College.

"What you did tonight bordered on illegal.  You're just lucky the guards didn't catch you or I'd be bailing you out of jail right now.  Hell, I'm surprised that none of those men shoved a dagger in your gut for the words you said to them.  This is unacceptable behavior, Patrycia Jayn, and it cannot continue."

"I'm almost 20 years old, Ma.  You and added Aunt Guanine can't tell me who I can and cannot see."

"Yes, we can as long as you live under your aunt's roof.  Your actions around town not just reflect upon you but your family too.  One bad word gets out about us or you or even your aunt and her business could be ruined.  Then she and I would be without work and all of us would be homeless."

I stared at my mother, a mix of surprise and anger welling through me.

She rose and crossed the room until she was standing before me, "This isn't little Winterhold anymore.  What people say and do matter around here.  Getting Mavin Black-Briar and her friends angry with our family will only end badly.  Do you understand?"

I sighed and nodded, even though I really didn't.

Ma smiled, "Go on up to bed.  We'll talk in the morning."

I went to bed as she told me but as I lie here on the hard floor, our conversation keeps running through my head.  I have a feeling that Riften is just too small for me.  What I do or say here can hurt my whole family.  I don't want anything to happen to them but then again, I can't just shove myself into this little tiny mold that my mother and aunt are trying to shove me into.

Maybe it's time that I strike out on my own and find my own life….

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