Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 142 @ 8 PM - Success!

I walked along the edge of the lake today, just trying to get my bearings.  I did run across a few wolves, but nothing that I couldn't have handled.  I found some good flower specimens for Elgrim and a little ore for the blacksmith.

Riften, From Afar

I was surprised to see a few farms located on the road along the lake.  The owners were nice – once even offered to make me some fresh eggs to eat – but I could see that something was bothering them.  I later found out that they were both subject to bandit raids.  One even had his favorite bow taken!  I told him that I'd keep an eye out for it.

The woman that runs the mill stopped me in passing and asked if I would be traveling on the road towards Morrowind.  I said no and asked why.  It seems that her husband travelled up there some time ago to deliver some goods and never returned.  She asked that if I saw him to tell him to "keep going and never come back".  Now that's love if I've ever seen it!

Ruins on the Hill
On my way back to town, I spotted some spectacular looking ruins up in the hills above where I stood.  I couldn't help but wonder what was up there and how it had become.  Maybe someday I will climb up there and see.

When I returned to town just after lunchtime, I made a beeline for the smithee shop to turn in what I found.  He seemed happy with my work but said, "You know, I'd pay you more for these if you turned these into ingots.  Do you know how to smelt?"

I shook my head – I didn't even know what that word meant.

"I'd show you how but unfortunately I don't have a smelter here.  But they do have one in Shor's Stone, just north of here.  If you're willing to travel up there, I'm sure my friend, Filnjar, will show you how to smelt this ore into ingots that I can use."

I agreed – every septum counts these days – and started to turn away but Balimund stopped me.

"By the way, I could use some more fire salts for my forge," he said, "If by chance you run across any in your travels, I would be willing to pay you well for them."

"Sure," I said, "Where do I find them?"

He went on to explain that I could get them at some alchemy stores or off of the dead body of Flame Atronaches.  I told him I'd try but had no guarantees.  The thought of fighting anything made of flame scared me.

Once our business was done, I headed to the apothecary shop to turn in the few flowers I found.  Elgrim seemed quite happy with my work and I walked away with a tidy sum of septums for what was just a few hours of work.

As I started out the door, I mentioned that I was heading to Shor's Stone in the morning to do some business.  Before I could shut the door, his wife leapt forward and pulled me back inside.

"You're going to Shor's Stone?" she asked, "Would you mind getting something for me while you're there?  I'll pay well."

I agreed – I hate turning down cold hard money for what looked like an errand run.  She said that the blacksmith (the same man I was visiting to learn to smelt) had an ore sample that she needed.  Well, well, well….that worked out well.  Got two birds with one stone, didn't I?

Ma looks relieved when I walked through the door this afternoon but the relief was fleeting.  Worry etched her face the moment she caught sight of my bloody sword.  No matter how many times I told her I was okay, she still hemmed and hawed over me.

I don't think this living arrangement is going to work for too long.  Between the hard floor, Ma's worry, and Aunt Guanine's bad attitude, living here is going to become unbearable.  I can only pray that my freelance work will keep up so I can move into the inn and leave this house behind.

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