Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 125 - Dragons

Headmaster Viarmo said something interesting while sitting in on Germane's history class today, "If you want something a bard can dig into look to the dragons. A thousand years from now Skyrim will have changed rulers dozens of times but the return of the dragons, that story is once in an era."

My interested were immediately piqued.  Dragons?  Really?  Were they really real?

I waited until after class before I cornered him.  He couldn't say much else but did add, "Giraud Gemane has some tomes about them in the library, if you're interested."

I went searching through the library but found nothing but a basic book about dragons in historical legends.  There wasn't really much to chew on there.  The next time I'm in Windhelm, I should stop by their library and see if they have anything.

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