Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 29 - Solitude - First day of training

I am so sore and tired I can barely move tonight.  Captain Aldis wanted to test my skills so he ran me through the "gauntlet", which was pretty much five men walloping me with practice swords.  The captain said I did well, even though they got more hits on me than I did on them.  He told me to take a day off before returning to start the real training.

Of course, I followed through with my side of the bargain.  When 8 PM came around, I followed the men inside their barracks and took my place at the front of the room, near where the Captain sat, and began to sing.  There were a few requests but most of the men silently hunched over their meals, wolfing down their food as fast as possible.

When the room began to empty out barely 45 minutes after the meal began, the Captain said I could go home.  I thanked him and started for the door.  I barely made it three steps before stumbling and almost falling to the floor.

"Garrison, Valen," the captain said, calling to two of his men, "Please make sure our guest makes it home safely."

I tried to tell him that it was okay, that I could walk home okay, but he insisted that his men walk me home.  We walked through the courtyard and down the street in silence, the two men stone face and walking in step with one another.  When we reached the door to the Bards College, the two men tipped their heads slightly, turned as one, and hurried back towards the Dour.

Once the men were out of sight, I slipped inside and headed straight to bed.  That's where I lay now, writing this and listening to Jorn snore in the cubicle next door.  Though I'm very sore from the workout, it is a good sore.  I look forward to the next training session in a couple days.  Maybe someday I'll be able to knock all of those men down.

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