My first day in Solitude and I've already seen an execution, asked to wear someone's "fine garments" in front of the Jarl, tried to enroll in the Bard's College (who then asked me to retrieve some sort of song from a crypt), propositioned to take out the lighthouse light so a ship runs a ground, and asked to travel inside the mind of a mad man. All in one day! Can you believe it!?!?
Of course, I didn't dare tell Ma any of this in my letter home. The moment she read about the execution, she'd send for me and lock me in a closet until I was an old, old woman.
So, to begin with, I arrived at the Solitude docks in the early morning.
It was so early, I could still smell the guard's breakfast of eggs and bacon on his breath as he told me to move on. I guess they don't like people standing on the docks and staring about in wonderment. But really, who couldn't stare in amazement at that scenery!
I later came to discover that that building on the right is the Blue Palace, where High King Torygg lives,...or at least
used to live. He's dead now. The story is still a little sketchy but it seems that Ulfric Stormcloak rushed into the throne room and either assassinated him on the spot or challenged him to a duel for the throne, as per the old traditions. Either way, the king ended up dead and Stormcloak rode out of town like a madman.
Now, I mentioned that there was an execution. It seems that as Stormcloak was leaving the city, only one gate stood between him and freedom. As he approached the gate, a city guard named Roggvir opened the gate for him as he'd done for any other person coming and going from the city.
I guess it wasn't until later that the townsfolk discovered what had happened and held Roggvir responsible for the escape of the king's murderer. And that is why I witnessed an execution today...
I turned away at the last moment but the sound of the axe falling and the head hitting the ground will stay in my head forever. Poor guy - he was killed for just doing his job.
As the crowd broke up, I headed for the inn where I got a room for the night. The Winking Skeever is a warm, homely place that reminds me a lot of the old pub at home where I used to sing for tips...but at least here, the beds are clean and the drunks aren't as grabby. The innkeeper, Corpulus Vinius, is a nice man who seemed to know a lot about the city and all that is going on.
After securing lodging for the night, I headed for the Bard's College to meet up with Giraud Gemane, who promised to introduce me to the headmaster and gain me admission to the college. As I passed by a clothing store, a woman standing in the doorway called out to me, "If you're heading to the Blue Palace, you might want to rethink that outfit."
Now, I know I come from the back waters of Skyrim but I was dressed nicely, even for a hick. I started to turn away in disgust and then I realized something - she was right! I was dressed differently than the others around me. Did I really want to wander around my new home dressed so differently?
The woman introduced herself as Taarie, owner of the Radiant Raiment. She offered to give me some of her finer garments if I would be willing to step into the palace and show off the clothes to the king's widow (now Jarl), Elisif the Fair. I agreed, even though I had no previous intentions of going to the palace, and she beckoned me into her store.
When I stepped outside again, I couldn't help but feel like a different person. Maybe people will treat me differently now that I fit in.
Now dressed right, I headed towards the Bard's College. I found Giraud Gemane in the dining area downstairs, enjoying a late breakfast (or maybe it was an early lunch). When he saw me standing in the doorway, he smile and rushed forward to shake my hand. "Ah,yes! My little prodigy is here!" Prodigy? Me? Really?
He hurried me upstairs to meet the headmaster, Viarmo.
"This is the girl I was telling you about," he told the headmaster.
Viarmo eyed me with a wary look. I had a feeling he had heard such stories of great singers before from Giraud.
"Really?" he said, "Well, do your thing then."
I wasn't sure what he meant but then Giraud whispered, "Sing something!"
And so, I did. I stood tall and proud, just as Ma taught me, and sang my favorite song, a haunting sea ballad that my father taught me the year before.
By the time the song was over, both men were smiling. "You caught yourself a winner this time, Giraud," the headmaster said.
"Does this mean I'm in?" I asked.
"It depends. Can you play an instrument?"
The question stopped in my tracks, "No."
"Do you know how to write songs?"
"No," I replied, my heart sinking. I didn't want to think about not being admitted to the college. The trip home would kill me.
Giraud jumped in, "But those can be taught, Viarmo. She has the talent. We just need to mold it into the perfect bard."
The headmaster stared at me with unreadable eyes and though my heart thumped wildly with fear, I bolstered my confidence and met his stare head on.
After a moment, he spoke, "Fine, but under one condition. She must travel to Dead Man's Respite and retrieve King Olaf's Verse for us."
Giraud's face paled, "You must be joking, sir."
The headmaster raised his hand and Giraud fell silent. "If joining the Bard's College is so important to the young woman, she will be willing to do this simple task for us. Do you agree?"
I nodded, not sure if I spoke, my tongue would agree with me.
The headmaster went on to explain that the college's annual ritual of "The Burning of King Olaf" is in risk of being canceled, thanks to the assassination of High King Torygg. Those in charge fear that the king's widow and the newly-promoted Jarl of Solitude, Elisif the Fair, would find the burning a King in effigy as distasteful during this time of mourning.
They did not understand that the centuries old festival celebrated Solitude and the heroic acts of the mythical King Olaf who killed Numinex, a fearsome dragon who terrorized Skyrim during the First Era. He is hoping that if he recites King Olaf’s Verse, which questioned the heroic acts of King Olaf, he can prove that the College had a legitimate claim to have the festival no matter the recent turmoil.
"The cave is to the south of Solitude. I should warn you though, there is no guarantee that this will be safe journey for you considering your youth. I would suggest that you visit a few of our local stores for supplies and at least one weapon that you can handle. Do you have any money?"
"A...a little," I stuttered, my head spinning at the task before.
"Since you are not an official student as of yet, I cannot fund this expedition but I'm sure if you look around town, you will find some locals who would be willing to hired such a young, healthy girl to do work for them. Good day."
And with that, I was ushered from the headmaster's office.
Giraud followed me out. "Do not worry, young one. You will persevere, I'm sure. Do you have any practice with a sword?"
"A little," I replied, "My father taught me and my brother how to defend ourselves in case raiders gave us any trouble. My father sent one of his older swords with me just in case."
"Good, good. That should be all you need. The blacksmith should be able to provide you with decent armor and Sayma at Bits and Pieces should be able to outfit you with food and camping gear. Be safe, young one. I'm sure I will see you soon..."
As he walked away, I couldn't help but feel I was being sent to my doom....
I spent the rest of the day running around town, groveling for any septum I could find so I could buy decent weapon and armor. Many of the people had tasks that needed to be completed outside of town, which I couldn't do considering I didn't have armor or a weapon as of yet, but there were a few I could do in town.
And that is how I ended up in the head of a mad man....
As I was leaving the Hall of the Dead, I literally ran into a poorly dressed man who was ranting to himself. I apologized for running him over but he waved away my words.
He introduced himself as Dervenin and told me that his master was in the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace having tea with an old friend and was neglecting his duties. He feared that chaos would ensue if he didn't not return soon. He begged me to go retrieve his master from the palace.
His ramblings were so crazy that I wasn't sure if what he was saying was true or just a figment of his imagination. Either way, I agreed. I mean, I was going to the palace anyway to show off my new dress to the Jarl, as I promised the storekeeper earlier that day.
So, off I went to the palace.
After I showed off my dress to the Jarl, which she loved, I left the throne room and went in search of someone who could get me into the Pelagius Wing of the palace. The housekeeper, Una, was wary about letting me into the old wing but finally relented when I told her why I had to go into there.
The Pelagius Wing had certainly been deserted for quite a while. There were spiderwebs everywhere and a musty smell of disuse in the air. It was hard to believe that someone was having tea somewhere in this old, dusty place. As I searched the downstairs, looking for any signs of the beggar's master, I couldn't help but wonder if I had been sent of a fool's errand. He was rambling like a mad man...
It wasn't until I reached the top of the stairs and started down the hallway that I realized something wasn't right....and then the world disappeared in a flash of light.
At first I thought maybe the ceiling had collapsed and I was dead....but then my vision cleared and I found myself in a clearing.
I woke up to find myself lying on the ground, surrounded by grey weeds. The air smell of decay. As I sat up, I realized something that made my blood run cold - my Pa's bag was gone! My money was gone! My new clothes were gone! All I wore were some simple garbs and no supplies to my name.
'Pa is going to kill me!' I thought as I stood.
I looked around, trying to figure out where in the world I had ended up at. I was standing on the edge of a clearing surrounded by grey weeds and rocks. In the center of the clearing sat a large table filled with food. Two men sat at the table - one in a throne-like seat and the other sitting in a regular chair.
As I slowly approached the table, the man sitting in the throne introduces himself as Sheogorath. I told him that Dervenin wanted his master to come back from vacation.
"I will leave only if you can make it out of Pelagius' mind."
Wait...I'm in someone's MIND!?!?!? As I'm trying to get over this fact, he hands me a weapon, a Wabbajack, and tells me that I must pass three different trials to finally leave this man's mind.
Let me tell you, those three trials were scary and confusing all at the same time. Somehow, I survived all three, and Sheogorath did as he promised, leaving for the Shivering Isle and returning me to the deserted wing.
As I picked myself up from the ground and dusted myself off, I was relieved to see that even though I was still dressed in those simple clothes and had the Wabbajack in my hand, Pa's backpack was on my back once again. I swear, Pa would kill me if I lost his old bag.
As I left the palace, covered in dust and other ickiness, I realized it was late in the afternoon and I had been so busy I hadn't had a chance to eat lunch. I hurried to the inn and ordered an early dinner. As I sat and ate, I couldn't help but overheard people talking about the execution that had happened that morning. It seems that the town is divided. Some believe that Roggvir was wrongly executed while others thought justice had been done. I can't help but side with the former opinion. The man was just doing his job, right?
Once I was done eating and my plates were cleared, I wrote a letter to Ma, telling her that everything was okay....but is it really?
If I want to follow my dream and be part of the Bard's College, I will have to retrieve that verse. To do that, I will have to get some armor and weaponry and other supplies. After running around town all afternoon being everyone's little errand girl, I do have the gold to get myself outfitted but the thought of wandering off into a country I know nothing about to find a verse that may or may not be there, I can't help but wonder if the Bard's life really the life for me....